Saturday, December 25, 2010

UTI Graduation

I'd like to shout out to my neighbor Patrick Wenzel!  He just graduated from UTI on Thursday.  I went down to his graduation and it was awesome! I had a blast. I am so proud of him. I'll get you your photos soon bud, and I'll throw up a few here!  It was awesome to be there for the grad, to think that he's all done with school. That's a sweet Christmas and Birthday present! haha now he can fix my car! jk... haha but I liked the message they told the graduates about always keep learning and being helpful towards others.  That's one thing I've always seen in Patrick, always smiling (the only one smiling at the graduation by the way) and helping out and having a can do attitude! Broken window? ehh, let's just pop your entire door panel off and take a look... haha 

Okay. I have nothing more to say.. I'll let my photos say the rest. These are a few that I feel captured the moment well :)

Congratulations Patrick! You earned it bro! 

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