Saturday, January 15, 2011

Colorado! (Day Two)

Wow. I can't even begin to explain how amazing today was.  From the start, just realizing what beauty we were surrounded by! I still can't get over how amazing Moab, Utah is!  We dove right on over to the Arches National Park.

The views were absolutely incredible.  Although not that many people get the chance to see them in the Winter time, the Arches are probably the most beautiful at this time of the year!  The snow on the red rock creates a breath taking contrast, allowing you to see even more of the natural beauty!  I wish each and every one of my friends could have been there with me today.  I still can't get over how amazing this place was!
Here are a few pictures to give you an idea of what I'm talking about! (Oh, and by the way, we couldn't have asked for better weather! So NICE!)
Our view as we begin driving into the park. What a fabulous day!

This gives you a sense of perspective!

Proudly wearing Corsa attire while visiting Arches National Park!

Our view from the start. We drove all the way past what you can see here. The park was HUGE!

Puddles of ice that created a nice contrast with the ground.

These formations are HUGE!

(I'm at the bottom here)

I loved this sign so much I thought "Wouldn't this place be amazing to ride in!" and that's when I looked back and saw my bike right there, screaming at me "RIDE ME!".  I did.. I ended up riding back from the edge of the park, it was the best ride ever! So crisp and cool, with astonishing views the entire time! (the altitude was  a bit rough, but that's great training!)

Here we made it to the "arches" that I had been waiting for! 
We hiked around, and on the snow it felt so cool to just roam around and not worry too much about sticking to the path.

Awesome picture that Michael took for me!

From here, we moved on to the back of the park and that's where I ran into a group of people who were filming some snow.  I asked what they were doing and they said they were here filming for an Australian photographer named Peter Lik. They told us we should say hi to him on the trail!  Shortly after we passed him as he was talking with his crew member, and I asked if he got any great shots. He then advised us to keep walking just right around that bend to get some awesome shots! That's where we met this guy (below) who was filming as well for the video.  
He was packing up, and that's when I headed back to the car to ride while Michael did more hiking and picture taking.  I gave Mike the camera and caught up to this guy.  He was from New York, second day here.  We got back to the group and I asked another one of the crew members if he knew why the snow looked the way it did, and he thought it was just how it formed in the air.  I asked a few camera questions (since he was shooting with a Canon), and from there I saw that Peter was filming right then off the trail a bit. 
He walked over after and asked "How do you like my accent mate?", and the other guy says "he's talking to you", and I was just surprised that he was asking me of all people!  I met him and then continued down the path.  About 50 feet later I hear a "Hey Peter Lik fan! Carry some bags for us! We'll give you a Peter Lik hat and shirt." I came back, more than happy to help, and I carried one of the backpacks and we trekked back to the parking lot!  I got to talk with Peter Lik for at least a mile, and I had the chance to hear all about his work and carry on an intelligent conversation about photography!  I couldn't believe it!  I was talking to this "famous" photographer out of nowhere, in the Arches National Park in Utah!  He was incredible, and very lively!  He stopped along the way and saw a tree that he liked.  He asked if I liked it, then shouted back to his  crew saying "Mate, what do ya think of that tree here. I like it!" then, "Mate, I need my wide lense" (then a bunch of communicating as to which wide lense) then he shot it, and we kept walking! I could go on and on about how amazing those 15 minutes were! I just can't believe I met this guy!  When we got back to the car, I gave him my photography card and wrote my address on it (they insisted to get my address to send the stuff!), and then Peter got out his card and signed it! I couldn't believe it!  Then I rode back to the beginning and that was a great ride!  I still can't get over the fact that I met this man who is considered a "Master Photographer".  This is the man I met, please check this link out if you are wondering why I am so thrilled to have met him!

Now on to Canyonlands National Park.  Here is where Peter Lik recommended us to stop! He said to see Mesa (M-e-s-a, with his thick accent) Arch.  He said it's "mind blowing".  It sure was!

It's so steep! 

My favorite shot here!

Then on to the Grand View point to get some sunset shots!

Finally got my snow shot!

Evening skies over the canyon.

Sunset view

A photographer's dream..

Night photo before leaving the park..

For the remainder of the day we drove to Grand Junction, CO.. It's pretty small here, and the roads are weird! they are like this:  24 Road.  26 Road.. etc. Oh, and 24 1/2 Road!  They even have a few 1/4 roads! What the heck? haha like F 1/4 Road.. really now? 
Anyways, it was an INCREDIBLE day, and I absolutely loved the National Parks in Utah!  So amazing! 
-Good night!


  1. Unbelievable! I have a feeling you will never forget that day Anthony--meeting Peter Lik, taking wonderful pics yourself, and riding in the park (with awesome signs for the cars to give you space)!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm so happy for you bro. :)

  2. Agreed Vince! It was the best day one could ever ask for! Event after event, site after site! Incredible!!
