Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Colorado! (Day Six)

This morning I slept in while Michael went snow boarding. I woke up to see blue skies as the snow was gently falling on the parking lot below.

Then in the evening we decided to push our luck by driving to the hot springs.  The road was unpaved and there was a $500 fine if you got stuck.  We put the chains on (required) for the last two miles. Here are some photos of the drive up.

The road was getting pretty crazy right about now

Amazing scenery! 

Once we arrived at the springs, we realized how scenic it was, and the water was VERY hot!
I believe they said it was 106.4 when they walked down and checked it. And the closer you got to the source, the hotter it was! 
walking down the steps, I was in awe as to what we had discovered! Hot springs in the middle of the mountains, so isolated from civilization! 

It couldn't get any more scenic!

Here's where the hot water came from the ground and poured right into the pools!


Here Michael and I had fun jumping in the snow :)

And back in the hot springs again!

And, lastly, our drive back into town! 

All in all, a great day! The hot springs were amazing, my body felt so great even when I got back.  There must be something about saunas and hot springs that do something good to your body. :) 
I am very happy about this trip, it's been quite enjoyable from the start!


  1. The white trees are downright gorgeous!

    The hot springs look to scenic and too fun to be true!!!!!!!!!!

  2. That's what I thought when we walked down the path and saw the springs there in the mountains! INCREDIBLE!! and trust me, that water was plenty hot!
