Thursday, January 20, 2011

Colorado! (Day Seven)

Today, oh what a day!  It started off very relaxing, spending time in the room watching shows on T.V and what not, while the snow piled up outside!  Within about 30 minutes the ground went from visible to completely covered with snow!  Here are some photos!
The first photo is what I saw when I woke up

Then, about 20 minutes later! 

Even the hot tub was covered around the edges! And the walkways covered with white snow! 

Including my bike! (sorry bike for treating you to such bad weather)

Then in the afternoon after it stopped snowing, the wind picked up and blew the existing snow everywhere! (as seen below)

After a while, Michael and I decided to go play in the snow (his idea, a great one!) and this is what we were treated with!  You can't resist playing in snow that looks that great! So soft and fluffy, and just ridiculously fresh!

And, I made the bombest trails to saucer down!! The snow was incredible! 

Here are a few photos to prove that I was having FUN!!
This is tiring work! haha

Pretty sure I hit a snow bump

Same for Michael. haha

Too much speed!

Okay, this one's funny because I went so fast that I ended a few inches from my camera that was in Michael's hands! haha good times..


It was a great classic afternoon spent in the snow! :) All you need is a little bit of snow, a saucer and some gravity! So fun! Tomorrow I go skiing at Vail! It's going to be awesome! I can't wait!

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