Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year!!

Today was the best new year ever. Hands down.  I have absolutaly no pictures to post, but I think the disneyland pictures will make up for that in the near future.  I had a blast with my friends this evening, and despite the fact that we didn't make it to Rock N Bowl, I enjoyed connecting up with friends. It sure made up for the 12 hrs spent in a car since 6 AM.  Oh yea, and today we got lost in the desert. That was fun! there was snow on the mountain! woot woot! I can't wait for the Colorado trip! That is going to be epic.  I am trying to convince Christian to join me!  Okay, well, 2010 is over, and I am so stoked for a new year.  Have a good one everyone! I can safely say that this new years was the best one yet.  So many friends at once! Life is good

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