Tuesday, December 14, 2010

CAT 2 Upgrade!

Well, my upgrade went through!  I am officially a category 2 racer.  All I know is that is a big step up and I am excited to race with the professionals and other 1's and 2's.  I managed to upgrade from 4's to 2's in one season, and I upgraded over winter because I wanted to start the season like everyone else, not feeling behind or anything like some transfer type of rider.  I feel like I earned this upgrade and I have been dreaming of getting here.  This is by no means a destination, but just one step closer to my goal!  It's been a blast this far and I feel like it's only going to get better.  I am also excited that the approval came today because my fall semester is done and I can seriously focus on cycling from here on out for the 2011 season.  It's going to be awesome! I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who has supported me from the start.  My team has been amazing, I have learned so much and always felt welcomed.  I appreciate the love and support from my family, coming to races and getting me up early for those long drives, helping in many ways. I'd like to thank all my friends who have helped support me too, and especially Kayla for all the support (and learning all about cycling) and being able to share the excitement with me since the first race years ago.. Thanks everyone! 2011 I have high hopes. I am looking forward to it!

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