Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cars and photos..

Today was a fantastic day.  Why? Because for one, I was early to my class (2nd time this semester), and also today was the last "real" day of school before finals.  AND, to top it off, AJ and I hit up In N' Out for lunch.  Jess joined us, and since I had taken photos of AJ's ride on the way to Chico I decided that in order to get a great photo it would be pretty awesome if we drove somewhere and took some shots.  We were all down for the adventure, and since I wanted some good shots I volunteered Jess to drive my car for me.  She wasn't half bad, didn't get us killed and I ended up getting some sick shots of AJ's car!  I went for the blurred effect which was tricky getting the shutter speeds right.  But, when I did this is what we ended up with!

I was extremely pleased with the photos, and I'll post a few more.  My day was just totally awesome from start to finish!! I need to hangout with more people, get out more.  This spur of the moment idea was the best thing yet.  I photoshopped a sweet Subaru poster (it was supposed to be a movie poster) for my last Photoshop project.  Check it out!

There are wayyy too many things you can do in Photoshop.  I need to buy a version of Photoshop or something.  Yea, so my day was awesome, and I am so stoked that after tomorrow's class I will be ready for the weekend! (Unfortunately studying for my 3 finals on Monday).  But, it's all good! 

More photos!

AJ himself!

AJ's slappin bass.. haha good stuff!

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