Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I'm going to kill some time before my final class of the day by writing on here and adding some photos.  This morning I was indeed late to class, and almost fell asleep in my second class.  My teacher (for the critical thinking class) was discussing our "media control" paper, stating that objective news reporting does not exist anymore.  And, apparently there are those on the "far right" including sources such as FOX news, The Washington Sun, and the National Review.  Down the middle there are sources such as CNN, BBC, Time magazine (slightly towards the right) and News Week (slightly to the left).  On the "far left" we have sources such as MSNBC, Rolling Stones magazine, SF Chronicle, and the NY Times.  What I found interesting was that my teacher claimed that there is not one "far left" news reporter on the T.V. or radio to this day. He listed off Sean Hannity as some right wing crazoid, but didn't bother naming one that came from the liberal perspective.  I don't pay much attention to the news, but maybe I should.  What I have learned from the class is that we should step out of our provincial mind set and make clear, logical decisions and always challenge what you hear by asking why.  

Okay, so enough of this "logical thinking"... how about some photos! 
A few from the past day or two, and in the future I plan to incorporate more photos! 
This photo was taken Monday on my way home from Butte College.  This drive gets pretty old, but the skies never fail me.  I always find an awesome shot, and many times in the morning I am running too late to snap a photo of some morning sky, but this morning I took a shot anyways. I'll post that photo later.
I like this photo because like 9/10 of the clouds in this picture are all from contrail.  Pretty cool to think that man made planes could contribute to such a natural site.

Next photo! 
Last night I ran into an old friend who I would like to get coins from.  After seeing him, I decided to procrastinate a bit more with that essay by looking at some coins.  Finding the oldest penny as well as the newest shiniest penny, this is what I came up with. 91 years apart, the designs have changed.  I like the plain font wheat back over the new shield type penny.  Anyways, 4 different designs were created in 2009 honoring Lincoln's 200th birthday.  In 2010 they created the new, permanent reverse (as seen above).

One more photo..
A photo of my sister nearing the finish line at the 2010 Cross Country State Championships race.
(I still need to edit the photos from state, but I will get on that asap!)

Off to math class now, and I can't wait to see (and take photos) of Christian's bike project! 

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