Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Seal Beach

Today we took a walk to the beach.  Quite convenient considering the house is about a 10 minute walk to the beach!  After having rained all morning, the sun broke through and we had the chance to get some fresh air.  I snapped some photos after we ate at the "El Burrito Jr."  I got a few good shots while walking on the beach near the pier. 

In N Out

Today we drove to Seal Beach.  The Canos live here, and they have a house about 5 blocks from the beach. It's quite the setup!  The drive was insanely long, but fortunately we took many breaks to stretch our legs and get food and water. (yay!)  I think all this driving is a great preparation for my Colorado trip that will take place in roughly two weeks.  Man oh man!  Anyways. I don't have many photos from the day since driving to Los Angeles is really extremely boring.  But, here are a few:
Ferrari anyone? (Note the unmarked delivery truck.. very smart!) 


We kids sitting three across (hip to hip) in the back of grammie's van watched Spider Man 3.  That was a waste. We got mad at Peter for pulling those stunts on Mary Jane.  Seriously. What a jerk!  Funny thing is, that whole movie reminded me of the Twilight series.. yuck!

 That was a nice 3 hour chunk of my day "wasted" on watching Spider Man have girl problems.  Fortunately I had a few kind friends who took the time to text me throughout the day.  What a LONG ride.

More photos of the ride down..

(can you say monopoly?)

It's talking about Kayla! Kayla tell me some good news please!!

Going up the Grapevine

LA Traffic

Getting close!

Showing Uncle Alan (also a photographer) my low light abilities.

And testing out my built in flash..

After arriving in Seal Beach, we conversed with the Canos and what not and had a jolly time and decided to catch some In n Out for dinner.  Believe it or not, uncle Alan has not had In n Out before.  So, we decided to introduce him to In n Out.  I do have pictures of that!  Hilarious!  Grammie was telling Alan how the potatoes were fresh and the fries were really good saying that they "do the potatoes right there", and Alan says "They dig them up?" haha Alan has such a sense of humor.  I love that about Alan.  After hearing about the secret menu ordering "Animal Style", he asked if he could get his burger "Gaga Style, with meat on the outside, bun on the inside." haha! (if you didn't get that, click here:
Alan ordering In n Out for the first time EVER

Haha :)

"they even have a napkin over my fries!"

Lastly, I'd like to mention how nice the Canos are.  For just being family, they sure are nice!  Right now I have a fold out bed, access to internet, and the 60 inch flat screen T.V is playing Harry Potter (by Christina's choice).  What a setup! I cannot complain at all about life.  I mean really, this trip is amazing!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I've had a rough day..

I won't say much. But I think that truth is the best route. At all costs...
Also, something I've learned is that it's best to update your point of view based on your always changing surroundings... don't get stuck with tunnel vision.. don't try to stick to things just because that's the way you think they should be or grew up thinking that's the way they should be.  Be open to suggestions, new views on life. Be real with yourself.. don't try to convince yourself otherwise..

anyways. lots on my mind, I think I'll go to sleep now.  I could use a prayer or two.  It's comforting to know that God has a plan for everything, for me, for everyone.  He knows what's best.. I'll keep my head up for now and keep heading in what seems like the right direction.
I like this quote (from the Boston song "Higher Power")

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

I think I'm going to go to bed now.  I really have started to like the band Lecrae.
Here's a song, possibly for me tonight..

Saturday, December 25, 2010

UTI Graduation

I'd like to shout out to my neighbor Patrick Wenzel!  He just graduated from UTI on Thursday.  I went down to his graduation and it was awesome! I had a blast. I am so proud of him. I'll get you your photos soon bud, and I'll throw up a few here!  It was awesome to be there for the grad, to think that he's all done with school. That's a sweet Christmas and Birthday present! haha now he can fix my car! jk... haha but I liked the message they told the graduates about always keep learning and being helpful towards others.  That's one thing I've always seen in Patrick, always smiling (the only one smiling at the graduation by the way) and helping out and having a can do attitude! Broken window? ehh, let's just pop your entire door panel off and take a look... haha 

Okay. I have nothing more to say.. I'll let my photos say the rest. These are a few that I feel captured the moment well :)

Congratulations Patrick! You earned it bro! 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Simple City

So, two days ago A Hen got a new bike.. It is awesome.

First off, it IS simple, we just didn't realize it yet.  The simplicity of it's simpleness was so mindblowing that we just couldn't figure it out.  Andrew was so stoked about his new bike he rode it as fast as he could around town (in the dark, through glass)..  Flat tire, first day.  It was a learning lesson!  It took 4 of us to figure out how to get the back tire off.. Quick release? nope.. not so "simple".. Internal gearing? yeah.. not so "simple".. Neural nut? say what??
Yea, it took us 3 hours to get the back tire off, change the tube and reassemble wheel in order to hit the road again!  The funny thing is, after learning the hard way, we found out that the Simple City is truly simple.  The whole gearing thing pops right off, unscrew a few bolts and bam, there you have it!

now for the pictures!

Oh, and on a side note, we did NOT see the lunar eclipse.. fail! haha

Friday, December 17, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

Today I went to Chico and did a bunch of frame shopping. Boy is it hard!!  I ended up getting a 20x30 frame for my bro's apartment down in LA. That's going to be legit.  I was stoked to find out how cheap Costco prints are! For sure my new place to buy prints from here on out. After dinner and what not, I went over to Jess's grandma's to help decorate the tree.  A real tree!  I have not decorated a real tree so that was pretty cool.  I think if you get a real tree there is no need to put a bunch of stuff on it. Like, enjoy the natural beauty?  Kinda reminds me of the Charlie Brown Christmas.. like, didn't the tree fall over when they put all the stuff on it, and they ended up with one pathetic ornament?

Anyways, here's some photos! Ohh, and it was SO cold last night. Here are some not half bad night photos too!



Jess Stringing the lights

Blue lights! So cool

And after!

Walmart ride

So, Yesterday after training with the boys I decided to take a moment and enjoy the wonderful day!  It was sunny out and I wanted to casually go down into town and look at frames and photo albums. I hopped on my mountain bike, grabbed my camera and made the most of it!  I had a ton of fun and also realized what life in Oroville is really like.. that is, the flow of bike traffic downtown and on Feather River Blvd.  I did not get passed once but I saw plenty of bums and bmx'ers who looked at me funny.. I did indeed find my photo album, and I also did indeed lock up my bike.. Here are a few pictures from my day.. :)

Cool shadows!

The busiest street in town for "bikers".. haha

Water Meters!


It was a beautiful day in December, and now it's supposed to rain for a week.

Proof that I did lock my bike up..

This is where I met a guy from Nebraska that told me about the new technology they are installing that will shut down the train if it is not obeying safety regulations. Cool stuff!