Saturday, August 20, 2011

Summer's Ending, What Did You Do?

For those of you who are still in high school or are on the Semester system, summer is just about to end.

There may be mixed feelings about this, some wanting school to start, others wanting summer to never end.
For me, I still have one more month, so I can feel both excitement for summer and the anticipation for school.

Since we've had a nice two plus moth break, I'd like to see what everyone's done.  Think back and realize "dang, I did a lot this summer", or for others, "dang, I didn't do squat." haha!

For me, I'd say this summer was quite eventful.  Lots of time spent catching up with friends.  Quite a bit of my time was spend fixing up my Honda Civic (which looks great now!), and also working to get the money to pay for everything!  I probably spent way too much this summer, but it was totally worth it.  I did not ride my bike much since the end of June, but the time was well spent off the bike.

For now, I am going to Chico with my girlfriend so she can do some back to school shipping before she's gotta get back at it Monday for another year of school.

See ya!

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