Thursday, August 11, 2011

August.. A good time for catching up

I think I should just dedicate the entire month of August to rebuilding friendships!

It sounds like a good plan.  Why August?  Well, here's my theory.. We as humans like to procrastinate with EVERYTHING.  Including friendships.. and now that summer's wrapping up, it's the last chance to visit people.. all those people you said "Yes! Let's hangout soon!" to..

As for the procrastination, the days are flying by, and the clock is counting down till the day we all go back to school and also I leave this beautiful town for Davis, CA.

I've successfully smoothed things over with a number of close friends, and I'm pleased to connect up with more in the past few days.  Hopefully soon I'll get the chance to visit with more of my good friends before I get swamped with School..

Hit me up and I'll do my best not to "put" you off..  And if that happens, I apologize!!

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