So, if you haven't noticed.. it's been raining a lot lately. I don't know what's up with this weather! First off, I don't like the rain. Secondly, racing in the rain is definitely NOT fun to do at all. Racing is a beautiful thing. I dislike getting my bike wet and dirty. The road grime that gets wedged in to hard to reach areas just wreaks havoc. I feel like my bike is falling apart beneath me, like I'm riding it into the ground, grinding gears till things break. I'll admit, I'm a lousy bike mechanic. But, I do know my bike could run a bit more smoothly. It is not quite a "fine tuned machine". And at the moment, neither am I. I feel fat, over weight and out of shape. That's a problem.. right now I am in the middle of my first P/1/2 season. Say what?? yea, I think I need to get some things straight. Set the junk food aside, watch what I eat and train harder.
I feel like all I've been doing lately is racing and racing. Sorta like a "sink or swim" method. And, let's see... I think I've been sinking more than swimming. Enough of the DNFs.. I am tired of watching the end of MY race. I mean heck, if I'm going to do that I might as well do some good and grab my camera. Hahhh, no. That's not why I'm there in the first place. To be honest, I'm glad I get a weekend off. No P/1/2 at Bariani. That means two things. 1, I get to go to church in the morning! It's been ages since I've been to church. However, I have been attending a youth service Sunday nights, so hopefully that makes up for the skipping church for the past 4-5 Sundays. 2, I get to rest my legs! Rest is good.. just as important as training I've heard.
Moving on to photos.. So, the photo "business" has been going slow. I should just categorize it as charity. Like a Rodney event type thing. But, maybe on that note I should have a "donation" can somewhere near for those who appreciate my time and effort. Just sayin.. haha I mean my parents (naturally) have been my biggest supporters. You know, like when your mom slips you a $20 because she knows you could use some food money because you've been on the run the entire weekend doing photos. haha yea, thanks mom :)
I've contemplated ways to make more money. But, it's sure not through the photo route! More like "how many lawns can I mow, etc".. That, or get a job. haha "get a job, kid".. haha sure. Get a job that takes away the opportunity to do something that no one else can. To provide others with photos! Well, at least I get joy out of my photos, I can post them here in my own blog. Right here. Or there.. I could fill this entire blog entry with photos! That would probably be a lot more interesting than what I've been rambling on about. Plus, it's said that a photo is worth a thousand words. Well, in that case, how about this photo.
Or this photo

I could just keep going, and no I'm not going to even begin with the 1,000 words per picture. We'd be here for days! But, my poi
nt is, there is so much that a picture can say! So much that can be learned from a picture. And sure, our vocabulary may be limiting us from saying everything that's possible about the picture. For example, I hardly know anything about the moon. I don't even know what it's made of. (let me google that real quick)..
The crust of the Moon is composed mostly of oxygen, silicon, magnesium, iron, calcium, and aluminum. There are also trace elements like titanium, uranium, thorium, potassium and hydrogen. Well, there you have it. (thanks to Google).. Anyways, see, there is so much to be learned! Plus, why are there the "crater" looking imprints on the moon? Let's see.. I'll google that too. "The surface of the moon is scarred with millions of impact craters. There is no atmosphere on the moon to help protect it from bombardment from potential impactors (most objects from space burn up in the Earth's atmosphere). Also, there is no erosion (wind or water) and little geologic activity to wear away these craters, so they remain unchanged until another new impact changes it." Well, there you have it! Wow, and that was only about the first photo. I'll stop right there.
This brings me to my second point.. Google. Everyone can use it. Does that make us smart? I'd say.. no. Why? Because any average Joe can "google" something. I think it's how we apply the information to our lives. It's how we take that "useful" information from the web and use it to our benefit. I'm not talking about using the web to cheat on a test or to use Spark Notes to read the summary of a book you failed to read over Summer. I'm talking about using the Google to efficiently learn something. Like, for a quick example: In class yesterday we were arguing over the spelling of "An historical event" vs. "A historical event" that was written on the board. Well, we could argue all day about it or get to the bottom of it somehow. It bothered me, so I googled it on my Itouch

right there from my seat and found out that it can be spelt both ways depending on how you pronounce the "H" in historical. If it's silent then use "an", if you pronounce the "h", then it's "a". Now, really, does this even matter? That's debatable. The technology is there, so you might as well use it to your benefit. Similarly to using spell check, or the rather than getting up from your position to dig up the big red dictionary and thumb through the pages to check the meaning or spelling of a certain word. Now, the real question is, so you've saved some time by using the internet. But, what are you doing with that "free" time? Are you using those spare extra seconds to update your Facebook status, or browse the internet mindlessly? Or, as my History teacher would say, he'll have an extra 15 minutes on his death bed to smoke a pack of cigarettes. Cool I guess. haha.
Imagine if we never had to do the same tasks over and over again. Like dishes, laundry, mowing lawns, etc. Wow we would have so much free time!!
So, lately.. lately I haven't had much time to blog. Kinda disappointing. I feel like I have so much to share about. I've been too busy getting outside and LIVING! (that's a plus)
Well, here's a photo to leave you all with that came from today. Just one of the many random events that took place this week. This random event started with a text from a friend (and a phone call from another) informing me of the great photo opp. This brought me to the fish hatchery. And.. this is what I ended up with after mindlessly taking photos for a half hour. (quite relaxing!) My way of getting away for a bit, enjoying nature..
which brings me to my title.. "full circle" See the rain on the water? I never even thought of "seeing" the rain on the water as it rolled over the dam. I mean, really.. take a moment to think about that! How cool is that!! Rather than hurrying to the car to find shelter from the rain, or bundle up inside and read a good book, you can take a moment to appreciate the beauty of water! Water falling from the sky, water flowing from the dam.. water everywhere! I think it looks cool. Sure made a cool picture. That's sure a lot of rain drops too..
Anyways, just a thought or two on a rainy day like today.