Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May, the Beginning

The new month is hear, full of allergies, sun and school.  I've been riding more.  I love it.  I just got some sweet new wheels, so awesome!  I've had the chance to ride a lot more lately (naturally by setting the camera down more), and it's been a good choice.  I'm ready to train more, work harder and start seeing the results pay off.  Auburn was slightly disappointing, but aside from that I can be thankful to race and get in the workout/experience.  School was a joke today.  I only went to half my classes and the half that I did go to I felt like why am I even here.  I rarely have these days, but for some reason today of all days I just really did not feel like I was gaining anything from my classes.   I'm in great spirits right now and I plan to keep it that way!  This weekend is the Tour of the Unknown Coast.  I'm ready to tear it up!  I can't wait to ride/race.. It's going to be completely mind blowing!  Riding on the coast of CA up in Ferndale, it's like a mini vacation that includes the bike!  Oh, and a little suffering (: but the scenery balances that out.. (Here's proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipybLW5xedw ) That's the final part of the Tour of the Unknown coast (last 20 miles)  Man, I'm pumped! Okay, I'm literally going to ride up some fatty hills right now.  See ya later!

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