Sunday, May 15, 2011

Respect the Name.

Despite having homework to do, something has been on my mind for the past two days.  Someone wrongly created a Facebook profile page under the name of a deceased individual, who was a friend to many in Oroville.   What angers me the most is the fact that someone had the nerve to use not only someone's name, but the name of someone who's passed away?  One who can't "defend" his name.  Honestly, it seems a bit low.  This person has absolutely no respect for the person's name at all, let alone the person and family, friends and the community.  Furthermore, the "profile" was maliciously created, seemingly intended to attack friends of this deceased individual.  Everything down to the wall posts, favorite quotes, religious views and favorite movies. 

My first reaction was anger, and that's probably the reaction this individual was going for.  Great, you're getting what you wanted whoever you are.  Then I started to think about this whole situation,  and I'm praying to God that this person thinks twice about this and takes responsibility for his/her actions and gets rid of the profile.  One should settle "issues" with others NOT by creating fake profiles.  I really am praying for this person's safety.  I didn't even know the individual personally and I have to fight the urge to want to "get even" with this disrespectful individual.  I know for a fact that if this person's name gets out, there will be more people than you can count headed straight for this person.  It's natural to want justice, but how does one go about doing such a thing?  It's hard to not "stoop to one's level" and fight online about this, but I most definitely want to see something be done.  I have already reported the profile, yet who knows how long Facebook will take to remove the fake profile.  Numerous REAL friends have already given this individual an ear full through wall posts. 

This made me think for a second, trying to find some good out of this horrible situation.  Going from a "powerless" feeling, not able to do a thing as someone hides behind the computer causing harm, abusing the name of a friend who's passed away.  I realized that there are a whole lot of people who cared a lot about that individual, and not only that, but they care enough to stick up for him years after he's no longer with us.  I sure want friends who are going to defend my name after I've passed away. 

Furthermore, I realized something important.  One will be remembered by what they've done in their life time, for who they are, for all the lives that person has impacted.  This individual had one HUGE impact, and I can guarantee you that, and there's no way that one fake profile can "ruin" his name.  There's no way, not possible.  I do hope that Facebook removes the profile in a timely fashion, and that this person is rightly put in their place.  I also hope that this person realizes what they've done and has a change of heart.  There are many ways to settle disputes, but one should never stoop to a low like this, ever.

I couldn't agree more. -"To the person who made this profile, you obviously didn't know David at all. He was truely a great friend and a great guy. To really make this about any one especially someone that has passed away is awful...Have some respect please and grow up....this is still a big deal to alot of people who are still hurt by this!"

I'll be praying, praying that God changes the heart of whoever created the profile, that this whole thing gets resolved and we can all move on and live in peace, letting David's name be left alone, truly letting him rest in peace. 

David, you've got a lot of friends, I want you to know that. Real, true friends. 


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