Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cal Aggie Criterium

A few days late, so I'll be brief.  I had a great time at the first race on my 2011 scheduled season.  I had been looking forward to that race for a while now!  The weather turned out to be cold, I was expecting it to warm up. (It never did).  I ended up taking photos of the other races, starting with CAT 5.  I got to know some Davis riders as well as some of the photographers there as well.
My race went well, it was chilly, and I wore my new skinsuit!  It looks so awesome!  It started misting on us about halfway through my race, and I was legitimately concerned that my vision was going to be affected by the water on my glasses.  No crashes aside from a few in the S turn, and the race felt really smooth! I enjoyed that part of the race, the fact that it was go go go from the start!  All in all a great day, and I took 17th in end.  I was able to move around the pack quite well and I didn't get spit out the back!  I'm looking forward to Paskenta this Sunday.  The photos I took can be found here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/futureprocyclist/collections/72157625811093917/

Anyways, the new kits look awesome! 

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