Monday, January 23, 2012

Rainy Monday (Update)

This week started with rain, though I think it's all done with for a while.  As it turned out, we didn't get much rain up until last week when a storm rolled in giving everyone a change of pace.  I'm sure all the snowboarders and skiers were pleased to see the rain and snow fall. As a friend of mine on Facebook put it, "These rain drops are the tears of thousands of snowboarders finally coming together."  As for cycling, I enjoyed NO rain for as long as it lasted.  I got in plenty of riding, and I think any cyclist will agree that being cold is way better than wet and cold.  At least you can layer up and dress appropriately, but when it rains it's wet which means the ride will be miserable no matter what and all you can do is endure it. No matter how nice your rain jacket is, or your "waterproof" booties are, you will end up wet.

The forecast for last weekend.

Fortunately the rain is already gone, which means tomorrow's race ride will not be as miserable.
This week is off to a decent start. I actually understood what was going on in my statistics class, since we were talking about the gaussian function, which is "normal distribution".  Basically the bell curved shape graph when you're looking at data. Well, as it turns out there's a table that gives you ALL the values you could possibly want for any given area corresponding to a point on the graph.  That was review from my previous statistics class, so it's nice to remember something and not feel overwhelmed with information. Plus, we've got a test on Friday.

This weekend was a good weekend, I went to a leadership training camp for Young Life at Woodleaf.  The camp is less than an hour from Oroville, just up the hill in Challenge. It snowed at Woodleaf again, that was really awesome to see! I was able to stop by home after the camp and hangout with Ashley and visit the family. Even though there was a lot of driving involved (to and from Woodleaf, to and from Davis), it was worth it.  Plus, I like driving my car. I enjoy driving, but when it's raining and dark that is not a good combo. (Not to mention everyone drives ~15 mph below the speed limit which made all that driving time even longer..)

My ride on Saturday, riding to Strawberry Valley

Snow at Woodleaf, right before we left. Made for a nice view!

Young Life was a great experience this weekend. It was nice to see friends from different areas all showing up at the Mission Community Weekend.  Even Marinda was there! They are starting a Young Life in Paradise, which is cool since she was the one who told me about UCD YL. I enjoyed the seminars, learning how to be a leader for Wyldlife, which is the middle school version of Young Life (which is aimed at high schoolers).  Believe it or not, in a couple weeks we will start doing contact work and start going to the middle school here in Davis and try to start a club.  I have been waiting to see all this develop, since this Fall I participated in all the Leadership training meetings that Jen put on at Annette's house.  I think it's good that we're starting with the middle schoolers since we hope that they will continue into Young Life when they are in high school, assuming that we will grow as a club and be able to handle kids at both the middle school and the high school.  Currently I am the only consistent male leader in our area, though we do have Ian who I hope can help as a leader in the future.  We need more people, but what we have is a start.  It was exciting this weekend to see how Davis YL was a part of all the areas that are part of this ministry.  Young Life is going somewhere, things are happening and it's exciting to be a part of that. 

My goals for the week include: Train according to the plan, study lots for school, go to class, stay focused and when Saturday rolls around I am going to help with the Cal Aggie race as well as race P12. I've won there before in the lower categories, and this year I hope to do well knowing that a P12 field looks like (having raced a whole year now as Elite 2).  I am also excited to have my family and girlfriend Ashley visit Sac and watch me race! I'll be representing UC Davis on Saturday, it'll be the first time racing in a non-green kit.  It's great too because Chico Corsa comes out strong to the Cal Aggie, so I can't wait to see team mates this weekend. 

Alright, well it's time for dinner, the highlight of my day. I think I'll make some kind of seasoned chicken with a side of veggies, with either pasta or rice. (Pasta's easier to cook).  

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