Today I had the chance to talk to a friend, and somewhere in the conversation the topic drifted to "types" of guys and the relationships that often exist... Please note, this is entirely opinion, based on what she and I came up with.. What she came up with were the two types of categories of guys.
They were as follows: Type I: Guy who has lots of potential (is smart), but does not apply himself.. Type II: Guy who is really smart, motivated, competitive etc. It seems that these types of guys go for one of two types of girls. The really smart ones who they can hold intelligent conversations with and are "up to their standards", or they go for the "dumb" girls. Why? She said because that way the have something over them, they have that to their advantage. It's like they have at least their smarts to have an advantage against their female counterpart. I naturally defended that statement, saying that it's not a matter of "wanting an advantage" over the girl, but more or less a comfort zone being with a girl who doesn't have extremely high expectations (Contrasted to the smart, beautiful and somewhat intimidating girl who might have extremely high expectations). Being with that girl is a change to relax, take things down a notch and step away from the overwhelming life that they have.
For me, I said it's like this.. I don't want TWO check lists that I'm held accountable for. One's already enough, and if I can be with someone who's not holding me to their checklist, I naturally feel more comfortable. I'm not saying all the smart guys go for the dumb girls, it's just that the reason may be more than them wanting an "advantage" over the other. She also asked me, say the "smart" girl who was beautiful and all beat me in a competition, what would I do? I said I'd congratulate the person! Being smart is a great thing, I have no problem with a girl being smarter than me, but if they put me out of my comfort zone, that's just how it is.. just sayin.. haha It's just funny how people "choose" other people based on "compatibility".. "smart" or "dumb", as long as the person makes you happy and you're not being led down the wrong path, or not making the most of your life and God given talents then go for it, doesn't seem like there's any written rules when it comes to guys picking girls.. Now I'm just getting off topic.
Anyways, back to my day.. I had a long day at school, and I'm glad I had the change to chat with a friend after class. Speaking of class, class has seemed so dry lately, as if I'm not even gaining anything from my courses! What's up with that!? Maybe it's that time RIGHT before the end when most all the material's been taught already. it's that last 20% that takes all the work to get, when most people would be content kicking it into neutral and coasting in to finals week.. I've got about 3 weeks to go, I can't wait for school to be over!
Bike ride Saturday, who's pumped? I AM! Tour of the Unknown Coast, heck yes! It's going to be awesome! And a concert tonight at 7 P.M., It's FREE!! South Side Community Center, Free dessert following the performance!
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