After a long, hard week I'd like to take a moment to share with you a few thoughts. Along with my own personal thoughts, I'd like to pass along some words of advice I received from teachers and family.
Advice #1) Always look out for number 1.
That number one is yourself if you were wondering. My grandpa told me this tonight. Grandpa's smart, I should hang around him more often. He's into that fairness game, which is awesome in a basic sense. (Like for example: How to split a candy bar the fair way? Have one kid split it, the other kid choose which side he wants.) I have felt like I haven't been looking out for my best interest sometimes lately, accepting offers to things that I should have said straight up "no" to. I'm working on that, and so far so good. It's important to not be selfish, that's the one thing grandpa pointed out to me (in respect to always looking out for #1).
Advice #2) Genius is simplicity. Follow bliss, your challenge is to be the best.
This advice was given to me by my beloved Economics teacher. He was explaining that it's not all about the education you get, the high paying job you attain, but it's about following what you love. And once you find what you love, it is your challenge to be the best. It's pretty simple once you think of it. Take any path and trace it all the way to "being the best", they've got it made! Artists, cyclists, engineers, optometrists, teachers, musicians, the list goes on. If people are calling you crazy, you're on to something. That's something my sociology teacher taught me, and the more I think about it it's true.. I've been called crazy before, so maybe I'm on the right track.
I don't think it's about "fitting in" to the mold of society, but pursuing what you find of interest. Then make that work for you. It's pretty mind blowing once you think about it. Say for example, you work backwards.. imagine seeing your life unfold (or close in this sense), seeing where you ended up and then how you got there. I'd imagine there are plenty of "life changes" along the way.. For example, getting a job you hate.. well sooner or later you realize that there are more interesting things out there, more suited to your lifestyle and interests. Hopefully with that change, you begin to pursue being the best at whatever it is and somehow ultimately give back to others through your works. (Don't be selfish. Look out for yourself, but don't be selfish). If I love cycling, then I should pursue being the best.. Seems pretty simple. I've heard the saying "if you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life". (or something to that effect).
I'm getting off track, but let me make my point clear. In one way or another, you should always be doing what you love all while looking out for your own best interest. With that said, I'm looking forward to the next "stage" of my life where I get to pursue what I love and see where I take myself in life.
Great points! Amen. Look out for your best interest because nobody else is, but also be looking out for others and the collective good. Pursuing excellence in whatever your passion is part of the recipe for achievement and happiness. Keep working towards being the best you can be! You are doing great. And yes, you should hang out with grandpa more, while he is still here.