Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Take That GAS!

With gas now at $4.17 a gallon, riding my bike is really starting to pay off.  Let's do some simple math.. On my last credit card statement, (from 3/14-4/08) I spent $153.98 on gas.. And, a few numbers on my car's mileage..

With an average of  33.69 miles to the gallon, I'll show you how much I've been saving by simply riding my bike to Butte College on Mondays and Wednesdays.. Now, picture this.  By riding to class 2 of the 4 days of my school week, I've cut my gas costs in half for academic related transportation.  This is the route I drive to school every day. (the Butte, east entrance route)   So, 27.9 miles, 4 times a week.. that's 111.6 miles a week.  Cut that in half, you've got 55.8 miles in the car, and 55.8 on the bike.  That's 1.65 gallons worth.. What is that in dollars you ask?  At the current price, I'm saving $6.91 per week by riding my bike to class.  WIN!!

Now, if I could just ride everywhere, all the time. (:

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