Monday, January 30, 2012

Cal Aggie Race Report

I've decided to do a race report on the Cal Aggie Criterium.  I'm going to start up race reports now that the season's beginning.  This weekend was the Cal Aggie Crit, which typically kicks off the NCNCA racing season. As it turns out, it's our team's fundraiser race which is sweet because everyone who came out to race on Saturday helped towards our team.  Thanks everyone! It was killer weather this weekend too, so that was awesome.

As for these race reports, I might as well put in a word to mention that I am no expert in bike racing, and I'm just telling it how I see it.  My race, my opinions, observations and what not.  The reports are meant to be something to reflect on, laugh about and maybe check out some photos if I post any.  Also for the folks at home who want to keep up with my racing and feel like they're still a part of my season even if they can't see the race in person.  

On Saturday I enjoyed hanging out with the team, volunteering and what not.  When the time rolled around, I did the pre-race rituals. Number pinning, trainer business, all that.  I warmed up with H-D watching the race before us. I felt terrible on the trainer, but that's the point.

Ashley and I, with my James Franco look. 

The family, happy to see me in race in the UCD kit. Thanks for the continual support!

As for the race itself, a lot of people showed up! It was a 1-2-3 field, so that may have bulked up the numbers. Things started well, nothing too fancy.  I think everyone got the feel of cornering in a crit down again, the speeds started picking up and the real racing began after the first 10 laps or so.  I noticed a series of big holes/dips on the right side of the road on the back straight away of the course.  Those were worth avoiding!  I managed to get into position (top 20) with roughly ten laps or so to go, starting to cover anything that was starting to form.  No breaks stuck, in fact nothing stuck.  I was ready if anything was to happen.  With nine to go, I noticed the lap cards and realized I needed to save a little for the last couple laps, I didn't want to lose many spots now since I was already in good positioning.

Photo Cred: Ken Lyon

Last couple laps, the Cal Giant team rolled up and I noticed people getting into place, including Sam (now on Cal Giant) who I know since I live with him.  Anyways, there he was and I figured hey this is a good wheel to be on. At that point I figured as long as I stay on his wheel I could try to come around him in the pack sprint and Jeff would be happy since before the race he told me my job was to beat Sam and Joe. I didn't really expect Sam to WIN it, but hey that works too!

Last lap I followed Sam (good choice) since by the looks of the P/1/2/3 GoPro vid ( posted by someone it was a real mess fighting for position on the back stretch before the last turn.  Sure enough, I stuck to his wheel after watching him fight for his team mate's wheel with some McGuire rider.  We came through the turns smoothly and I got to watch the leading out happen, it was pretty sweet to see it all unfold.  All the sudden when Sam jumped, he was gone. I had a face full of wind and I moved over behind some other guy sprinting for 3rd. I was pretty far back considering there were guys on the left side further up the road.  I bike threw and with my momentum I got them at the line. So, the lesson is, even if you're a terrible sprinter, bike throw! That was the difference of 3rd and 5th place.  I'll take third, and it was pretty awesome to watch my house mate Sam pull off the win.  He was so far up the road that he was already celebrating before any of us were close to the finish line.
(The good old bike throw. See dad, I didn't get fifth! I almost got fifth..)

And here's Sam's win.

So much for Rand Miller winning that race! Race Predictor Fail..  Maybe that's because Rand's attempted break away with five laps to go didn't stick. They had me at 14th, but what do they know.  They don't know that I'm living with Sam and I knew who's wheel to get on!  So take that race predictor.  I think it's another thing for cyclists to geek out about, just like Strava. haha.

All in all, it was a good weekend and I'm glad to be out there racing.  And boy I sure have enjoyed this fine weather! Nice racing everyone, and congrats to Sam for the win.

Good luck next weekend for those racing!
I'll be at Paskenta since I've decided to stick with the Chico tradition of ripping my legs off and blowing up my wheels on the gravel section since that's the fun thing to do before watching the Super Bowl.

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