Saturday, December 4, 2010


This morning I did not get the chance to work due to the poor weather.  What a shame, because I really need the money.  I ended up connecting up with Christians to get my battery charger for my camera (a big deal, trust me!).  We chatted it up like old times and ended up discussing some deep stuff.  Always enjoy that kind of conversation and despite the fact we may view things differently it's great to get a different view on life and bounce ideas off each other.  He showed me his garden and his handmade greenhouses.

Christian leading me to see his greenhouses that he built. 

I've got one word to describe his work!


I'm tellin you, these greenhouses were absolutely amazing!  I was so impressed by the quality and design of these structures it made me fall right back in love with gardening!  I would totally have one of these things in my garden if I had the time to grow things!  Those greenhouses can extend your gardening season by months!  It was so creatively done that the plastic cover could be taken off, raised up for ventilation and so much more!  They were huge.  I believe the dimensions were 8 by 10 feet, and tall too! You could stand up and it felt so spacious.  He told me he was selling them too for only $800.  These are legit and I was very impressed with the quality!

Okay, now that you've heard everything about me oohing and ahhing over them, here are more pictures!!

Christian with his work of art!

View from the doorway.

So much space in here!

Here Christian is showing me how the sides can come up for ventilation.

View from the outside. Looks awesome!

I was glad I got to see Christian before I headed off to math class.  After math class we went job searching.. that was interesting to say the least.  

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