Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dance Dance 2!

I had the opportunity to chill with Sydney and friends Friday night.  That was fun, and I was pretty stoked to have the chance to chill with friends.  It's been a while since I've gotten out, so it was nice to see old friends..
(and fortunately they put up with my photo taking obsession..) Shoot, Terra even tried taking a few photos of her own!  I don't usually let others use my camera, because A) it's expensive, and B) I shoot on manual and don't feel like teaching them how to adjust each and every setting.. haha

We ended up playing Dance Dance 2 on the Wii (I never play games on the Wii or any of that stuff, let alone DANCING games.. that is so not me).  But I gave it a whirl and I actually had fun! What a shocker..

Oh, and now I remember why I was initially invited over to hangout with Syd! haha to take some sweet pics of her Christmas decor.  This is what I came up with (and for the rest of the night).

Syd's house from the outside!

Terra helping me enjoy the Christmas Spirit! (Egg Nog! the best stuff ever!!)

And now, Terra's awesome photography! 
Sam! Always full of energy, in a great way. She works at Dutch Bros, which totally makes sense to me. And apparently people tip well at that place! That's so cool.. She told me that she applied to Davis too! How awesome would that be if she went to Davis with me next fall! We could join all the other awesome Orovillian's who are currently attending UC Davis! 

She forced a hug out of me, seriously. I don't often hug people, but it's all good.. haha 

Terra making use of the camera again haha nice eyes Sam.

yea, I don't know.. but yep. haha

I've never seen my camera used for the Facebook profile shot... haha classic

Me chillin on the couch! haha

All in all, a great night. Glad I had the chance to get out and see old friends!

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