Saturday, August 20, 2011

Girls and Shopping

Today I have realized something about shopping..

Clearly it is not something I do, and clearly it is not something I enjoy watching.
I found myself in the mall this afternoon while Ashley was clothes shopping..

I could not help but notice how ruthless girls were when it came to finding the "right" pair of clothes!
It was quite a scary sight as every rack was being violently thumbed through in the SALE section of Forever 21, or the shirts rack at some other store.
Just the ruckus of hangers banging into each other as they slide over one by one until the entire circular rack has been picked over was intimidating, let alone the shouting and noise making of girls and women communicating to each other, shouting prices and sizes in various languages..

My point.. Women are intense shoppers..

And sure, it took me 20 years to find this out, but do realize that in my 20 years, very seldomly have I found myself in the mall.  I've been laughed at when once I asked a friend where the mall was when I was picking them up.  Ha ha, the joke's on me.  Good one!

Enough said, have fun shopping people, and BE CAREFUL!

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