Friday, April 15, 2011

Thoughts on tomorrow's assignment

I have been designated as the photographer for this weekend's Chico Stage Race.

I am extremely happy to take on this challenge.  There is nothing I love more than taking photos of a sport I love.  Cycling is a beautiful sport.  There is practically no possible way you could take a "bad" photo of a cycling race.

I am just worried that I won't maximize the opportunity during the road race.  I know I can only be in one place at one time, yet of the whole road race I feel like why limit myself to one spot?? The issue with moving around is missing other categories at other spots (naturally)..
I'm still debating on how I will approach tomorrow.  It's going to be a long day regardless, and plenty of photo opportunities!  With the P/1/2 and other categories that do two laps, I think it would be fun to follow in a sag car and get shots among the group, close personal shots.. mix it up a bit.  They could be the real winners! (some beastly racer suffering in the break on the second lap, seeing the pain on his face as he takes his pull. you get the idea..)

As for now, I go to bed.  Testing out the zoom lens and gear provided by Dave, I had HUGE success with the softball games.  Man alive, lenses are what make or break a photo!! (that's why you pay good money for a "good" lens!!)  I'll post a few pics. Just a few..

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