Saturday, March 26, 2011


Winning moments:
Denying someone's phone call. hah.. Denying people the opportunity to Facebook stalk me.  Win!
Getting 40 bucks for racing today.  Buying new deodorant, win!  I have to say, not being on Facebook has been a challenge.  A few things I've gained from it.  Free time!  Real friends, and most importantly, my life back!
I think the hardest days are the first few days.  It's such a habit that's not easily broken.  Facebook on your mobile, Facebook on your computer, as your homepage, bookmark, you name it!  Sitting there mindlessly reading updates that you've already seen multiple times.  The same old stuff.. And with only 100 friends, the status flow hasn't been to rapid.  Which is a good thing, forcing me to realize there is more to life than FACEBOOK.  Enough said.  I could go on about the pros/cons of FB.  But, at this point, I'd like to focus the attention on why Facebook is/has/could cripple people of this generation.

Having left Facebook, I felt this sudden loss of "importance"..  This "need" that constantly brought me back to the computer.  That someone "needed" me.  That I was of importance in the social world.  It's as if through Facebook one felt important, based on the amount of attention they would get.  "I got 2 new messages and 14 notifications!"  Wow, that's really thrilling.  I won't lie, the most beautiful thing to see is a "new message"..
Sure, that does bring a feeling of importance, however can't we get that same feeling through other more meaningful ways?  Perhaps a phone call, a visit in person, or a self satisfying run that leaves you tired yet accomplished. "Important"..

You get the idea by now, or at least the point is somewhat clear.  The last few days I've shifted my desire for "importance" from Facebook to other things.  I've done more things that leave a feeling of success, a feeling that is much more rewarding than being "successful" with my social life.  "I have so and so amount of friends!" or, "I'm Fred's top friend!"  HECK YEA!! what does that mean?  I spend wayyyyyyyyy to much time of Facebook.  The "real friend" of Fred is probably hanging out with that person IN person, doing things that create lasting memories.  That friend doesn't need to be on his iTouch liking Fred's status as Fred is on his iTouch updating his status.  Really, I mean, come on.. haha

Alright.  With that in mind, call a friend.  Right now.

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